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Reflections from workshop participants

"It was a calm and caring and thoughtful space (both physically and emotionally) to explore one of the most exposing and scary ideas - the death of someone you love. It was handled with real humanity and professionalism (in a good way). I trusted that you knew what you're doing and that you would keep us all safe. Thank you."


"My friend recommended this workshop to me and I loved it. The atmosphere, the company, the experiences, the stories. I used the model with my beloved man and would definitely recommend this workshop to others."  


"This was a valuable opportunity to encounter the topic of death through an experience other than in a state of illness or approaching death. I was struck by the authenticity of the whole group, the genuineness, and the valuable insights from experience. The structure of the individual phases is really helpful - and also the awareness of wider contexts. This model can be applied to all "types" of death - including in the process of self development."  


"I chose this workshop because of bad experience with funerals. I really enjoyed hearing everybody else's experiences and it helped sharing my own. In fact it really helped me because I came away feeling that the dying process could be safe and natural - and that the last goodbyes can be too."   


"As a participant I’ll say it was just wonderful - Fran and Isabel’s years of experience and skill was reflected in their humility in allowing others to share their own knowledge - the room was full of wisdom. It was a really safe space - a deep process that didn’t feel traumatic but still edgy for some but never too much. They have crystallised really essential practices into a very accessible format that will really change people’s experiences of loss - I learned loads!"   


"We will all have to face the death of someone we love at some stage in our lives, and modern UK society is particularly poor at preparing us both practically and emotionally for the turmoil of this inevitable trauma.

The Power of Liminal Time workshop not only takes you expertly and gently by the hand and walks you through the before, during and after the death of a person you love, but it also gives you the space and opportunity to work through your existing grief, leaving you more at peace, prepared, and in control.

I recommend this workshop to everyone – it should be second nature, just like taking out a life insurance policy or making a will"



"There were so many benefits to the workshop, personally for me, and professionally as a nurse and thinking about our future business. If we all agree that it's healthy to talk about dying I felt like I came away with a lot of conversation starters that I could use in all sorts of situations. I came away with a hunger to find out more - and I have done - I've ordered a couple of books that were recommended, I’ve listened to some brilliant podcasts and read some blogs and watched you tube interviews - all have which have made me keen to find out more and talk about it more - spread the work . I thought It was beneficial to be in a group with people who were there for lots of different reasons and to hear all of the stories and experiences and points of view. The workshop will continue to benefit me into the future.”



“I feel the workshop will benefit anyone who attends it. If someone has lost a loved one the course will allow them to reflect on their loss and share opinions and thoughts with others on the course. This certainly happened on the course I attended and I feel those shared memories and thoughts really helped people process. It would also be very helpful for people who simply have an interest in the psychology of end of life. The course created a safe environment where any question could be asked without embarrassment, and people got an honest truthful answer. I think the course would be most useful to people who were either themselves diagnosed with an incurable illness or who know/have family who have a life limiting illness. The course for such people would be invaluable and really help them process what is going to come.”


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